FOR the first time under the fresh leadership of Malabon City Mayor Jeannie Sandoval, the local government has received a ‘qualified opinion’ from the Commission on Audit over its Annual Audit Report for 2023.

She expressed gratitude to COA for the unmodified opinion it gave to the city government under her leadership.

”With this, we would continue to be more transparent and efficient in spending the public funds, especially in the implementation of the city’s various programs for the needs of the residents,” the city’s first female mayor vowed.

City Administrator Alexander Rosete said the positive remark given by COA only showed the transparent and honest kind of leadership being espoused by the Sandoval administration.

”This unmodified opinion the city government got from COA only signifies the unity and cooperation among the stakeholders in the city that redound to the interest of the residents as a whole.”

The city official assured the residents and other sectors that the Sandoval administration would further push for more pro-poor and pro-people programs and projects while taking into consideration the proper and wise spending of the city funds.

The top officials’ remarks came following COA’s latest report which commended the local government for its spending of public funds while observing “the highest standards of accountability and transparency in service delivery.”

“Aligned with the mayor’s goals to improve the quality of living in Malabon, the local government has implemented programs and projects that make service delivery more accessible to the ‘Malabueños,” Rosete stressed.

The programs, such as the Malabon Ahon Blue Card and housing initiatives, ensure the efficient delivery of assistance to the Malabueños for all their needs, including safety and security, he added.

The local government had already distributed 83, 891 MABCs to the heads of the families in the city.

A total of 77, 055 MABC holders have also claimed their first cash assistance for 2024, the fourth tranche given to the residents since the distribution of aid started in 2023.